phpUnderControl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Author: Manuel Pichler :Date: Mon, 09 Aug 2010 10:25:02 +0200 :Revision: 11 :Copyright: CC by-nc-sa =============================== Documentation - Getting started =============================== .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 3 Getting started with CruiseControl ================================== This section describes the required steps to set up and configure a custom project using the `ant`__ build system. The following describtion is based on the example files bundled with phpUnderControl since version `0.2.2`__. To illustrate the configuration the following paragraphs use the phpUnderControl subversion repository. __ __ The first thing that is needed is a root directory for the project. This directory must be located under /path/to/cruisecontrol/projects. If you use the example files shipped with phpUnderControl the project directory must be named :: /path/to/cruisecontrol/projects/ For custom projects you have to adjust the matching sections in the `config.xml`__ and `build.xml`__ files. Both files can also be found in the phpUnderControl docs directory. __ __ The ant build.xml file ---------------------- The first thing that is needed for a project build is the ant build.xml file in the new project directory. This file is comparable with a engineering blue print that describes how to create a product. :: /path/to/cruisecontrol/projects/ At first the file should contain the following lines. If your project directory has a different name you should change the @name attribute to that name. :: Next, we need a working copy of the source code. The initial checkout is done by hand, as example we use the phpUnderControl trunk. :: svn co source Checkout target ``````````````` To run a build against the latest source code version we must alter the build.xml file to update working copy before the build process starts. The shown target executes a 'svn up' in the directory. :: ... ... To test that this target works, open a console and change your working dir to /path/to/cruisecontrol/projects/ and enter ::$ ../../apache-ant-1.7.0/bin/ant checkout The result should look similar to: :: Buildfile: build.xml checkout: [exec] At revision 2016. BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1 second PHPDoc target ````````````` The next think we need is an up to date api documentation, so we have to add a new target for `PhpDocumentor`__ that generates the documentation on each build cycle. :: ... ... __ phpUnderControl comes with its own phpDocumentor template that uses a special color scheme that harmonises with the phpUnderControl layout. To use this template you must adjust the *-tb* option to point onto the phpUnderControl data/phpdoc directory. Furthermore you must set the phpDocumentor output format to *HTML:Phpuc:phpuc*. The structure of this template is inspired by the `eZComponents api documentation`__. __ This target runs PhpDocumentor against the directory and it stores the generated files under, which must be created manual. ::$ mkdir -p build/api The php-documentor target could be tested similar to the checkout target. ::$ ../../apache-ant-1.7.0/bin/ant php-documentor CodeSniffer target `````````````````` In this section we integrate a `PHP_CodeSniffer`__ target into the build file. The target looks similar to the previous targets, the only difference is the @output attribute that forces ant to write the command line output into the file. :: ... ... __ Before this target can be tested the output directory must be created. ::$ mkdir -p build/logs PHPMD target ```````````` In this section we will integrate the `PHP Mess Detector`__, a tool that helps you to find complicated-, unused-/dead- and horrible-code. Simply create the following target: :: ... ... __ You should create the log directory, before you run this target. ::$ mkdir -p build/logs PHPUnit target `````````````` Finally a target for `PHPUnit`__ must be added to the build file. The primary difference here is the @failonerror attribute. This forces ant to emit a build failed signal, if this target doesn't run thru. The different PHPUnit logs are stored in the directory which already exists, but for the coverage html report the directory must be created. ::$ mkdir -p build/coverage __ For a detailed description of the available PHPUnit command line options visit the excellent online documentation about the `command line options`__ or the new `xml configuration`__. :: ... ... __ __ Finishing the ant build file ```````````````````````````` Finally we have to combine the four independent targets into a single target. So create we create a new target *build* that depends on the other four. Therefore the target element accepts the attribute @depends that takes a comma separated list of other targets. :: ... ... Because the new *build* target is our default target we add the @default attibute to the project root element. This attribute forces ant to execute this target if no other target was passed in as command line argument. :: ... The final directory structure looks similar to the following example: :: |- projects | |- | | |- build | | | |- api | | | |- coverage | | | |- logs | | |- source and the build.xml file: :: The CruiseControl config.xml file --------------------------------- Now that we have a working ant build.xml file, we can start to configure the CruiseControl project. CruiseControl uses one central configuration file *config.xml* that holds all projects. This file can be found the CruiseControl root directory. First of all we need a project element for the new project. :: The optional attribute @buildafterfailed can be used to force CruiseControl that it retries to build a project, after a failed build without changes to the project sources. This option can be useful if the build process is based on an external resource, like a database server that could timeout during the build process. Including required plugins `````````````````````````` For this example we asume that the version control system Subversion is used for the project sources. And the first thing we must do is to load the required `svn-plugin`__. :: __ The modificationset triggers a build ```````````````````````````````````` Now we must define the case when CruiseControl should try to build a new project version. This is done in the modificationset element. If you have played with the phpUnderControl example project, you already know the *alwaysbuild* trigger, that performs a build after a defined interval. But for this example we use Subversion to manage the project sources, so we only want a new build if there was a source change. :: ... The previous modificationset checks that there are changes in the Subversion repository for the local project checkout *projects/${}/source/*, that are older than 60 seconds. If this is true, CruiseControl will start a new build for this project. Use a bootstrapper to keep your build file under version control ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` CruiseControl has a nice feature called *bootstrapper*. With this feature you can use an already existing a build.xml file that is under version control, to build your project with CruiseControl. A bootstrapper will load the defined content from the version control system before it starts the main build loop. :: ... The previous example will load the *build.xml* file from the project repository when CruiseControl detects a repository change. The main project build process `````````````````````````````` With the existing configuration CruiseControl knows the context project, the used version control system and when it should start a build process, but it doesn't know what to do. This is done with the *schedule* element that accepts an optional @interval attribute, that defines the number seconds to wait between two builds. The default schedule interval is 300 seconds(five minutes). The *schedule* element accepts multiple|different child elements that execute the main build process. For this sample we call ant with the project build.xml file. :: ... Listeners ````````` *This currentbuildstatuslistener was removed in CruiseControl >= 2.8.3* Logging ``````` The frontend of CruiseControl is based on XSL-stylesheets, therefore its data model is a XML-document. To provide CruiseControl with all informations collected during the build process, all generated XML-logs must be merged in CruiseControl's main log. This is done with the and the element. :: ... These element will merge all XML-documents in the *build/logs/* directory into the main log-file. Howto publish the latest build `````````````````````````````` Now that you have a running build environment and a CruiseControl setup is one thing to do, the publishing of the build results. First we want to publish the api-documentation to provide our developers with an up2date documentation of the project. We need an tag to publish a static build result in a public accessible directory. :: ... The previous example publisher will make all contents under the *@dir* directory public available. The *@dest* tag defines the main target directory, CruiseControl will create a new directory with the build timestamp under this directory. Because we do not only publish the api documentation a subdirectory is required, this can be done with the *@subdirectory* attribute. CruiseControl will now move the apidoc contents in a directory named *artifacts/${}//api*. Now you should repeat this procedure and add a for the generated coverage report. :: ... Finally we want some shiny metric charts, therefore a new publisher is required, the *execute* publisher. This publisher executes any command for you. You can use this publisher to generate metric charts with phpUnderControl's chart engine, simply add the following lines to your section. :: ... And that's it :-) Now you should have a running build environment and a running CruiseControl installation.